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Official Artsy Fartsy Rules
Artsy Fartsy is a creative and entertaining party game where players use their artistic skills (or lack thereof) to draw, guess, and score points. It’s designed to be fun and inclusive, focusing on creativity rather than precision.
The goal of Artsy Fartsy is to score the most points by successfully drawing and guessing the prompts given on the cards.
Players: The game can be played with 3 or more players.
Drawing Pads and Markers: Provide each player with a drawing pad and marker or pen.
Prompt Cards: Shuffle the prompt cards and place them face down in a stack.
Starting the Game:
Each player takes a drawing pad and marker.
Draw a prompt card from the deck and read the prompt aloud. The prompt is what you need to draw.
Set a timer for drawing (typically 1-2 minutes).
Each player begins drawing their interpretation of the prompt on their drawing pad. They should keep their drawing hidden from other players.
Once time is up, each player reveals their drawing.
Players take turns guessing what each drawing represents. The drawer of the drawing does not participate in guessing.
Drawing Points: Players earn points if their drawing is correctly guessed by others. The drawer gets a point for each correct guess.
Guessing Points: Players earn points for correctly guessing the prompt. Each player who guesses correctly earns a point.
Record the points for each player on the scorepad.
Next Round:
After scoring, a new round begins with a new prompt card and a new drawer.
Continue playing for a predetermined number of rounds or until the prompt card deck is exhausted.
Winning the Game
Total Points: The game continues until all prompt cards have been used or until the predetermined number of rounds is complete.
Highest Score: The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Time Limit: Adjust the time limit for drawing if necessary to fit your group’s preferences.
Prompt Variation: If desired, create your own prompts or use additional prompt cards for more variety.
Team Play: For larger groups, consider playing in teams to facilitate more interaction and guessing.
Creative Drawing: Use clear and recognizable features in your drawings to make guessing easier.
Strategic Guessing: Pay attention to common themes in the drawings to make educated guesses.
Artsy Fartsy is a fun, creative game that emphasizes imagination and interpretation. Enjoy the laughs and creativity as you draw and guess your way to victory!