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Official Castles of Burgundy Rules

The Castles of Burgundy is a strategic board game where players develop their estates by placing tiles representing buildings, animals, knowledge, and more. The aim is to accumulate the most victory points through careful planning and tactical play.


The goal is to score the most victory points by the end of the game through strategic placement of hexagonal tiles on your player board.


  • Game Board: Main board where common resources, turn order, and bonuses are tracked.

  • Player Boards: Individual boards representing each player's estate.

  • Hexagonal Tiles: Represent different types of buildings, animals, ships, knowledge, and mines.

  • Worker Tiles: Help modify dice rolls.

  • Silverlings: Currency used in the game.

  • Dice: Used to determine actions.

  • Goods Tiles: Represent various goods players can collect and sell.

  • Victory Point Tokens: Track players' scores.

  • Bonus Tiles: Award points for specific achievements.


  1. Prepare the Main Board: Place the main board in the center. Place goods tiles on the appropriate spaces and set up the different types of hex tiles in their corresponding storage areas.

  2. Distribute Player Boards: Each player receives a player board and places it in front of them.

  3. Place Initial Tiles: Randomly draw and place hex tiles on the numbered spaces of the main board.

  4. Distribute Starting Resources: Each player receives 3 silverlings, 1 worker tile, and 2 dice. Place the victory point markers on the score track.

  5. Determine Turn Order: Roll dice to determine the starting player and arrange turn order markers accordingly.

  6. Prepare Goods: Place goods tiles on the main board’s depot spaces according to the number of players.


The game is played over 5 phases, with each phase consisting of 5 rounds. Each round, players take turns performing actions based on their dice rolls. On a player's turn, they roll their two dice and can perform two actions, one per die.


Players can perform the following actions:

  1. Take a Hex Tile:

    • Use a die to take a hex tile from the corresponding depot on the main board and place it in one of your storage spaces.

  2. Place a Hex Tile:

    • Use a die to place a hex tile from your storage onto your estate, matching the die value with the tile’s designated area on your board.

  3. Sell Goods:

    • Use a die to sell goods of the corresponding number from your storage to gain silverlings and victory points.

  4. Gain Workers:

    • Use any die to gain 2 worker tiles.

  5. Buy a Tile:

    • Spend 2 silverlings to buy a hex tile from the black market on the main board.

Tile Types and Effects

  • Buildings: Provide immediate or end-game benefits.

  • Animals: Score points based on the number of animals placed in a pasture.

  • Ships: Increase turn order position and provide goods tiles.

  • Knowledge: Offer special abilities and end-game scoring opportunities.

  • Mines: Produce silverlings during the income phase.

  • Castles: Allow an extra action when placed.

End of Phase

At the end of each phase, refill the main board with new hex tiles and goods tiles. Income is generated based on the number of mines in each player’s estate.


Players score points throughout the game for various actions, such as placing tiles, completing regions, and selling goods. Additional points are awarded at the end of the game for remaining resources, knowledge tiles, and specific bonuses.

End of Game

The game ends after the fifth phase. Final scoring includes points for leftover silverlings, goods, and workers, as well as points from knowledge tiles. The player with the most victory points wins.

Tips and Strategies

  • Tile Placement: Focus on completing regions to score bonus points.

  • Turn Order: Use ships strategically to control turn order and gain goods.

  • Diversify: Balance building, animal, and knowledge tiles for consistent scoring.

  • Resource Management: Manage silverlings and workers effectively to maximize your actions.

Castles of Burgundy offers a deep and rewarding gameplay experience, with countless strategies and possibilities.

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