Official Payday Rules
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Number of Players:Â 2-4 players
Game board depicting a month's journey
Playing pieces (tokens) for each player
Deal cards with opportunities to buy or sell items
Mail cards with bills, events, and salary information
Loan record sheet (optional)
Die (sometimes a six-sided die)
Play money (bills and coins)
Objective:Â Be the player with the most money at the end of the game (usually after four "payday" cycles).
Choose Your Token:Â Each player selects a token and places it on the "Sunday Start" space on the game board.
Banker: Choose a player to be the banker. They are responsible for managing the play money bank and handling all financial transactions throughout the game.
Loan Record Keeper (Optional):  In some versions, you can choose a separate player to keep track of loans taken out and repaid by each player on a designated loan record sheet.
Shuffle the Decks:Â Shuffle the Deal and Mail card decks face down and place them near the game board.
The game progresses through a series of rounds, representing weeks within a month. Here's what happens in each round:
Roll the Die:Â The starting player rolls the die.
Move Your Token: Based on the die roll, move your token the corresponding number of spaces forward on the board.
Landing on a Space:Â Â The space you land on determines what happens:
Empty Space: Nothing happens, move on to the next player's turn.
Salary (Blue Space):Â Â Collect your monthly salary from the bank as indicated on a Mail card you draw.
Deal (Green Space): Draw a Deal card. This might offer you a chance to buy an item at a discounted price by paying the bank. You can choose to buy it or discard the card and move on.
Mail (Yellow Space): Draw a Mail card. This could be a bill you must pay to the bank, an unexpected event that might cost you money, or a positive event that gives you some extra cash.
Yard Sale (Purple Space): If you land here, you can buy a Deal card at a discounted price (usually cheaper than the regular price). Follow the instructions on the Deal card to see if you want to purchase the item.
Pay Day (Red Space): This is the most important space! Landed here signifies the end of the week and the beginning of payday. Here's what happens:
Pay Back Loans (if any): If you have outstanding loans, you must pay back 10% interest to the bank on the loan amount.
Repay Loans (Optional):Â You can choose to repay some or all of your outstanding loans at this point.
Pay Bills:  Pay off all the bills you accumulated throughout the month (from Mail cards). If you don't have enough cash, you can take out a loan from the bank (usually in increments of $1,000) to cover the remaining amount.
Discard Mail Cards:Â Discard all the Mail cards you used during the month.
Move Back to Start:Â Move your token back to the "Sunday Start" space to begin the next week (round).
Winning the Game:
The game typically lasts for four "payday" cycles (rounds).
After the final payday, all players count their remaining cash.
The player with the most money at the end wins the game and is declared the financial whiz!
Additional Notes:
Payday is a great game for families, especially to teach children about budgeting and financial responsibility.
The game can be adjusted for difficulty by changing the starting amount of cash each player receives or by adjusting the prices of items on Deal cards.
There might be slight variations in rules depending on the specific version of Payday you have.  Be sure to check the included instructions for any specific details.
So grab your play money and get ready to navigate the financial world of Payday!