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Objective: In Karak, players take on the roles of brave heroes exploring a dungeon, fighting monsters, and collecting treasure. The goal is to become the most powerful hero by accumulating the most valuable treasure by the end of the game.
Players: 2-5 players.
Hero boards and hero miniatures.
Dungeon tiles to build the dungeon as you explore.
Monster tokens and standees.
Equipment, keys, and treasure tokens.
Six-sided dice.
Health tokens and hero-specific starting equipment.
Starting the Game:
Each player selects a hero board and takes the corresponding hero miniature, starting equipment, and health tokens.
Shuffle the dungeon tiles and place the starting tile in the center of the table.
Place all monster, equipment, key, and treasure tokens in their designated piles.
The youngest player starts, with play proceeding clockwise.
Player Turn:
Movement: On your turn, you may move your hero up to four spaces on the dungeon tiles. Each space corresponds to a square on the tiles.
Exploring: If you move to the edge of a tile, you may reveal a new dungeon tile and connect it to the existing dungeon, continuing to move onto the new tile if you have movement points left.
Fighting Monsters: When you enter a space with a monster token, you must stop and fight the monster. Roll two six-sided dice and add any bonuses from your equipment. Compare the total to the monster's strength. If your total is equal to or higher than the monster's strength, you defeat it and claim the reward (typically a treasure or key). If you lose, take damage and retreat to a previous space.
Collecting Equipment and Treasure: If you defeat a monster or find a treasure chest, collect the corresponding token. Equipment can include weapons, armor, and potions, while treasure tokens contribute to your final score.
Special Actions:
Using Keys: Some treasure chests are locked and require a key to open. If you have a key, you may use it to unlock the chest and claim the treasure inside.
Resting: If your hero's health is low, you can choose to rest, skipping your turn to recover health tokens.
Winning the Game:
The game ends when all dungeon tiles have been explored, and all monsters defeated. Players then total the value of their collected treasure tokens.
The player with the most valuable treasure wins the game.
Team Play: Pair up with another player and combine your treasures and scores to compete against another team.
Advanced Play: Add additional rules or dungeon tiles to increase the complexity and challenge of the game.
Those are the basic rules for Karak. For detailed gameplay, refer to the official PDF located at the top of the page.