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Official Horizons of Spirit Island Rules

Horizons of Spirit Island is a streamlined, standalone version of the popular cooperative board game Spirit Island. In this game, players take on the roles of powerful spirits defending their island from invading colonists. Here's the official PDF and how to play:


  • To work cooperatively as spirits to repel invaders, protect the island, and achieve victory through fear or by destroying all invaders.


  1. Players: 1-4 players.

  2. Game Board:

    • Lay out the Island Board sections according to the number of players. Each section represents a part of the island and is divided into different terrains (mountains, jungles, wetlands, sands).

    • Place Blight Tokens on the Blight space of the board. The number of tokens depends on the difficulty level.

    • Place the Fear Deck, Invader Deck, and Blight Cards in their designated areas.

  3. Choose Spirits:

    • Each player selects a Spirit, taking the corresponding Spirit Panel, Unique Power Cards, and Starting Presence Discs.

    • Place one Presence disc on the "0" space of each energy and card play track on your Spirit Panel. Place the rest of your Presence discs in a personal supply.

  4. Set Up Invaders:

    • Shuffle the Invader Deck and place it face down on the board. Draw the top card and place invader pieces (cities, towns, explorers) on the corresponding terrain on the board.

  5. Dahan Setup:

    • Place Dahan (the native inhabitants) in the regions as indicated by the setup instructions. Dahan will fight back against invaders if they are attacked.

  6. Energy and Power Cards:

    • Give each player a starting amount of energy as indicated on their Spirit Panel. Players draw four Power Cards from their unique deck to form their starting hand.

  7. Fear Pool:

    • Place the Fear Tokens in a pool. As players generate fear, they will move tokens from the pool to the Fear Deck, unlocking Fear Cards that impact the invaders.


The game is played over a series of turns, with each turn consisting of multiple phases:

  1. Spirit Phase:

    • Growth: Players choose one of the available Growth options on their Spirit Panel. These options allow them to reclaim cards, gain energy, add Presence to the island, or draw new Power Cards.

    • Gain Energy: Collect the amount of energy indicated by your Presence on the energy track.

    • Play Power Cards: Players choose which Power Cards to play this turn. The number of cards you can play is determined by your Presence on the card play track.

  2. Fast Power Phase:

    • Resolve any Fast Powers (marked with a red icon) that players have played. These powers are resolved before the invaders act.

  3. Invader Phase:

    • Blighted Island Check: If the island has been severely damaged, flip the Blight Card, which may introduce new challenges.

    • Fear Effects: If enough fear has been generated, resolve the top Fear Card, which can cause invaders to retreat, destroy buildings, or give other advantages.

    • Invader Actions: The invaders follow the sequence on the Invader Card:

      • Ravage: Invaders attack the land and Dahan. If the land takes damage, it may become Blighted.

      • Build: Invaders construct towns and cities in regions where they are present.

      • Explore: New explorers arrive in regions as indicated by the Invader Card.

  4. Slow Power Phase:

    • Resolve any Slow Powers (marked with a blue icon) that players have played. These powers are resolved after the invaders have acted.

  5. Time Passes:

    • Discard played Power Cards, and prepare for the next turn.

Victory and Defeat:

  • Victory: Players win if they eliminate all invaders or if they accumulate enough fear to reach the Terror Level that corresponds to victory.

  • Defeat: The game is lost if the island becomes too Blighted or if all the spirits lose their Presence.

Tips for Playing:

  • Coordinate with Other Spirits: Work together to cover different parts of the island and combine your powers effectively.

  • Manage Fear: Generating fear is crucial, as it can weaken the invaders and bring you closer to victory.

  • Balance Defense and Offense: Protect key areas from Blight while also aggressively dealing with invaders to prevent them from spreading.

Note: For detailed rules and gameplay instructions, please refer to the official rulebook PDF at the top of the page.

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