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Official 7 Wonders Duel Rules

7 Wonders Duel is a two-player strategy game in which players develop their civilizations over three ages by drafting cards, building wonders, and achieving military and scientific supremacy. Here's how to play:


The objective is to be the first to achieve a military or scientific victory, or to have the most points at the end of the third age if no early victory is achieved.


  • 23 Age I cards

  • 23 Age II cards

  • 20 Age III cards

  • 12 Guild cards

  • 4 Military tokens

  • 10 Progress tokens

  • 7 Wonder cards

  • 1 Conflict pawn

  • 31 Coins

  • 1 Score pad


  1. Place the Game Board: Place the game board in the center with the Conflict pawn in the neutral space.

  2. Set Up Military Tokens: Place the military tokens on the board as indicated.

  3. Shuffle and Place Progress Tokens: Randomly select 5 Progress tokens and place them face-up on the board.

  4. Prepare Age Cards: Shuffle the Age I, Age II, and Age III decks separately. Add 3 randomly selected Guild cards to the Age III deck.

  5. Deal Wonder Cards: Shuffle the 12 Wonder cards and deal 4 to each player. Players choose one and pass the rest until each player has 4 Wonders.

  6. Set Up Age I Card Structure: Place the Age I cards in a pyramid structure with some cards face-up and some face-down as indicated by the setup diagram.


Turn Overview

Players take turns performing one of the following actions:

  1. Take a Card: Choose a card from the available pool and either build it, discard it for coins, or use it to construct a Wonder.

  2. Build a Card: Pay the card's cost in resources and place it in your play area.

  3. Discard a Card: Discard the card for coins. Gain 2 coins plus 1 coin for each yellow commercial building you have.

  4. Construct a Wonder: Use a card to construct one of your Wonders by paying the resource cost and placing the card under the Wonder.

Military Progress

  • Move the Conflict pawn toward your opponent’s capital based on the number of shields on the military cards you acquire.

  • If the Conflict pawn reaches the opponent's capital, you achieve a military victory and win the game immediately.

Scientific Progress

  • Collect pairs of scientific symbols to gain Progress tokens that grant special abilities.

  • If you collect 6 different scientific symbols, you achieve a scientific victory and win the game immediately.

End of Age

At the end of each age, reset the game board with the next age's card structure and continue playing. If no military or scientific victory is achieved by the end of Age III, tally points to determine the winner.


Points are calculated from:

  • Blue Civilian Buildings

  • Green Scientific Structures

  • Yellow Commercial Buildings

  • Purple Guild Cards

  • Wonders

  • Military Tokens

  • Coins (each set of 3 coins is worth 1 point)

Winning the Game

  • Military Victory: Achieved if the Conflict pawn reaches the opponent’s capital.

  • Scientific Victory: Achieved if a player collects 6 different scientific symbols.

  • Civilian Victory: If no early victory is achieved, the player with the most points at the end of Age III wins.

Tips and Strategies

  • Balance Development: Focus on a mix of military, scientific, and civilian buildings to adapt to changing strategies.

  • Resource Management: Ensure a steady supply of resources to avoid overpaying for cards.

  • Military Control: Keep an eye on the Conflict pawn and your opponent’s military cards.

  • Scientific Opportunities: Capitalize on scientific symbols to gain Progress tokens and work towards a scientific victory.

  • Wonders: Use Wonders strategically to gain powerful abilities and additional actions.

7 Wonders Duel offers a fast-paced and strategic experience, perfect for two-player competition.

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