Official Blokus Rules
Blokus is a strategic board game where players compete to place geometric shapes onto a square board. Here's how to play:
To be the player with the fewest unplaced pieces at the end of the game.
Pieces: Each player starts with a set of 21 pieces in one color. These pieces are different geometric shapes.
Placement: Players take turns placing their pieces on the board.
Each piece must touch at least one other piece of the same color, but only at the corners.
Pieces cannot overlap or touch other pieces of the same color along an edge.
End of Game: The game ends when no player can place another piece.
Scoring: Players count the number of squares on their unplaced pieces. The player with the lowest total wins.
Planning Ahead: Consider how your piece placements will affect future moves.
Corner Placement: Prioritize placing pieces in corners to maximize potential placements.
Blocking Opponents: Prevent opponents from placing pieces by strategically blocking key areas.